Violet Pots How Do I Take Care Of My Violet?

How do i take care of my violet? - violet pots

I have a purple plant in a small pot that gave me my grandmother.

The floor is old enough and I can not imagine that there are many nutrients in there. When repotting?

And also, how often should I water now? Does it need direct sunlight? Is it necessary to use a subscription.

It is a small plant, I can not imagine that it requires great care, but I do not know.


reynwate... said...

Repot when the roots come from the drain hole. Otherwise, the use of food additives Aftican Purple - in most garden departments.

Water when the soil is dry ... Sorry. Always water thoroughly. Add water to drip pan. When you die, get water on the leaves.

They prefer filtered light - no direct llight.

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Susi C said...

If the soil is exhausted, a pot of RE. You need to be placed in small pots, such as rootbound.

View the source of information on caring for your African violet.

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